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Neum: Međunarodni festival podvodnog filma/ Underwater Film Festival 2022

U sklopu manifestacije “Neumsko ljeto” u petak, 19. kolovoza, u 19.30 sati započinje Neum Underwater Film Festival 2022. koji će se održavati u hotelu “Zenit” u Neumu.
Prvu noć Neum Underwater Film Festivala biti će prikazano 27 filmova u službenoj konkurenciji, a ulaz na sve projekcije je slobodan.
“Zaključno s 15. kolovozom 2022. Organizacijski odbor zaprimio je enormno veći broj prijavljenih filmova u odnosu na prošlu godinu koja je bila odlična. Filmovi podvodnog svijeta pokazuju veliki interes i angažman amatera i profesionalaca sukladno interesima i temama koje obrađuju. Ovogodišnji žiri imao je težak posao i za konačnu nagradnu selekciju izabrali smo 26 filmova tj. 26 finalista iz cijelog svijeta”, kazao je osnivač i direktor Festivala Ivo Mikulić.
„Bio sam izuzetno iznenađen i dirnut izvanrednim kvalitetom i raznolikošću prijava iz cijelog svijeta – od umjetničkih slika do uzbudljivih kratkih dokumentarnih filmova koji naglašavaju probleme izumiranja svjetskih oceana i morskih vrsta“, kaže član žirija Juergen H. Gangoly, iskusni konsultant za komunikacije, podvodni fotograf, autor i ekolog iz Austrije.
Publiku Neum Underwater Film Festivala očekuju iznimne podvodne atrakcije na filmskome platnu u Neumu.
U subotu, 20. kolovoza, u 11 sati održat će se edukativno – ekološka radionica podvodnog snimanja i sigurnosti pod nazivom “Podvodni svijet” koju vode certificirani ronioci Mario Jerkić s timom, a Goran Stojkić, producent i snimatelj BONK produkcije prezentirati će svoja iskustva na temu „Svijetlost u podvodnom snimanju“ .
Drugi Neum Underwater Film Festival proglasiti će pobjednike za najbolji film festivala, najbolji BH podvodni film, najbolji eko film, najbolju glazbu i najbolju kameru, priopćili su organizatori.
Pokrovitelj manifestacije je Općina Neum, a Festival se održava u organizaciji Udruge “Standard”. Svi koji vole more, rijeke, bazene, a pritom uživaju u podvodnom filmu i muzici su više nego dobrodošli.
Neum: Međunarodni festival podvodnog filma/ Underwater Film Festival 2022
On Friday, August 19th at 19:30, Neum Underwater Film Festival will begin, as a part of the “Neum Summer” event. It will be held at the hotel “Zenit” in Neum.

On the first nights of the Neum Underwater Film Festival, 26 films will be shown as official competitors, and there will be no entrance fee charged.

Ivo Mikulic, organiser of the Festival says: “Ending August 15th 2022, the organization committee has received a large number of films submitted for the contest. The number has surpassed the amount of films submitted last year. Underwater films show a great interest and engagement of both amateurs and professionals in relation to the topics that they deal with. This years’ committee has had a difficult task in making the final selection in choosing the 26 films that have made it to the finals.”
Juergen H. Gangoly, a jury member (and an experienced consultant for communications, underwater photographer and ecologist from Austria) states: “I was really surprised and moved by the extraordinary quality and diversity of the applications from all around the world – from artistic images to exciting short documentary films that emphasize the problems of the extinction of underwater species.”
The audience of Neum Underwater Film Festival are in for extreme underwater attractions on the movie screen in Neum.
On Saturday, August 20th at 11:00, there will be an educational-ecological workshop of underwater filming and safety under the name of “Underwater world”, which is held by certified divers Mario Jerkic with his team. Goran Stojkic, producer and filmmaker of the BONK production will present his experience on the topic “Light in underwater filming”.The Second Underwater Film Festival will announce the winners for the best festival film, best BH underwater film, best ecological film, best music and best camera.

Sponsor of the event in Neum municipality and the festival will be held in the organisation of the “Standard” association. Anyone who loves sea, rivers, pools, and also enjoys underwater film and music, are more than welcome to join.
Neum: Međunarodni festival podvodnog filma/ Underwater Film Festival 2022




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